Committed to Your Spiritual Journey

We are committed to walking alongside you on your spiritual journey. Whether you're taking your first steps in faith or have been a believer for years, we are here to support you, encourage you, and help you grow. Our commitment to you is unwavering, and we are dedicated to providing a safe, welcoming space where you can explore, learn, and thrive.

From the Pastor's Desk- Weekly Thoughts

Pastor James Ford, Jr.

Pastor James Ford, Jr. - February 21, 2024

It's a new day to see the new mercies of our God. We are not all knowing, nor are we all powerful. We can not control outcomes and can not prevent disaster. However, we are not hopeless and can put our faith in the One who is all powerful and who controls outcomes. He has promised us eternal life. There is something better in store for we, who belong to Him. Place not your eyes on the surroundings of this fallen world. This world is condemned already. Place your eyes upon the Lord, our God, who is Holy, Righteous, Loving, Kind, Patient, and True. He holds all things in his hands. For He is our strength and one day, will deliver us from this place. GOD KEEPS HIS PROMISES AND HAS PROMISED US ETERNAL LIFE.

Weekly Personal Reading:

Habakkuk 3:17-19

Dea. Raymond Faulk- February 28, 2024

In our sinful human nature, the temptation is to rest on what we have done in the past. But let us not become SLUGGISH, but keep pressing on. Though our bodies fail us, let our hearts be renewed daily, with the supply of the Spirit of Christ. Let us March on... with the same diligence and faith that we started this Journey with so many years ago. Let us follow the example that has been set for us of many faithful brethren who served until the end. There is still yet much work to be done. Let us all keep on serving faithfully until we heart those words. "Well done my good and faithful servant."

Personal Reading:
Hebrews 6:9-12

Pastor James Ford, Jr.- March 6, 2024

Greetings, Family, I have prayed for you today. In our culture of fast results, we attempt to hold God to those same standards that we have set for ourselves. We expect God to move quickly on our timeline. Many times we can get so caught up in praying for some outcome or blessing that we lose sight of the one to whom we are praying. 

    This was Abram's issue as he was waiting for the son of promise in Genesis 15. God presents Himself to Abram and instead of worship, he asks, " What will you give me?" 

This is convicting to my heart, as I have been guilty of just expecting God to give me something and missing the beauty of who He is. May the Lord help us all to see who He is. May we begin to look up to heaven, not for blessings but for God alone. For we can never get the promises if we don't truly believe in the one who makes the promises.

Personal Reading: Genesis 15: 1-6

Pastor James Ford- March 13, 2024

Greetings Family, I have prayed for you today. In our goings of daily life, it can be very easy to lose focus of our poor standing before God. The deception of this world allows us to feel as if our accomplishments give us proper standing before God. Yet, scripture constantly reminds us that we are nothing. I'm reminded of a quote from Elizabeth Elliott.... "Stop wondering if you are enough because you're not." We are nothing outside of God. We are just dust.... his breath alone is what gives us life. We can do nothing but sin and fail outside of the loving mercy of God saving us. Rejoice in the greatest accomplishment you can ever have, giving your life to Jesus. Because He has accomplished salvation for you.

Personal Reading : Job 25:2-6

Pastor James Ford- March 21, 2024

Good Morning, Family,

I have prayed for you today. Welcome to the Spring Season. It is the time of year that is so beautiful because that which was brown and dull now, becomes colorful and bright. That which was bent over, now stands tall. That which was dead now, comes alive.

This triggers the thought of my salvation in Christ; how truly different my life would be without this new life in Christ. We should never cease in our prayers to God for what He has given us. I think of Hannah in I Samuel, how she prayed a prayer of praise because God blessed her with a son. How much more should we spend time in prayers of Thanksgiving to the one who has saved us? 

As we begin to see the blossoms of the flowers, the growth of the grass, and the pollen that fills the air, let us thank God for the new life he has blessed us with..... GLORY TO GOD

Personal Reading:
1 Samuel 1:27-2:10

Pastor James Ford- March 27, 2024

Good Morning, family. I have prayed for you today. This morning is quiet and the sky is a bit grey. I wonder what the last Wednesday morning of Christ's life was like. As He knew what was in store for Him on Friday. I also think about Judas, who is about to betray Christ for 30 peices of silver. The last significant act of Judas' life was taking the world's treasure and betraying Christ. Hmmm. How many of us are taking what this world offers and betraying Christ? For the true Christian, there are only two options concerning Christ. Either you're serving Him or you're betraying Him. What are you doing with this life God has given you? Lord, please help me every day to not betray you, but to serve and obey you.

Personal Reading: Matthew 26:14-25 Colossians 3:23-25

Pastor James Ford - March 29, 2024

Good Morning, Family.

Shall we together consider that this the day that comme morates our Savior dying on the Roman cross outside of Jerusalem on the hill known as Calvary. It was there on that cross that the sins of the all mankind were paid... The sinless God-man became sin for the sinful. Even if we were willing to die on the cross, it would be meaningless because we are tainted with the sinful nature we inherited from the first man... we were shaped in iniquity.. only God could save us and He did. 

God, the Father sacrificed His only begotten son just for us... Let us rejoice together as we reflect on the cross and what it means to us all.. He has not dealt with us according to our sins. Instead, He has dealt with us according to the righteousness of Christ. The Just died for the unjust. I love you all.... Happy Friday! May the Lord be with you today.  

Personal Reading: Psalm 103

Pastor James Ford- April 3, 2024

Good Morning, Family. I have prayed for you today. I thank God for our Sunday Service and being in your presence. My constant prayer is that we all grow in our Faith together... might we stand together, strive together, and suffer together. Our Spiritual growth is directly tied to us being conformed to the image of Christ. One of Christ's most unique characteristics was, He humbled himself for the good of others. One of the hardest things to do is put some else's interest ahead of yours. Our culture and world say, to look out for yourself. 

However, Philippians 2:8, tells us, Christ humbled Himself to the point of the cross. Have you grown to a place where you are willing to humble yourself to the obedience of God for the benefit of others? 

Let us always remember, no matter how God chooses to use us, the goal is not ourselves. The goal is always HIS GLORY ALONE.

Personal Reading: Philippians 2:1-11

Pastor James Ford- April 10, 2024

Good Morning, Family

I have prayed for you today. The talk of the town this week seems to be the eclipse. It's truly amazing how nature reveals the glory of our Great God. However, it's also important that we keep the eclipse in its proper perspective. The eclipse was not a hint as to when the world will end. Scripture tells us that, "No man knows the date or hour when Jesus will return".. But scripture does tell us that Jesus one day will return. Our days must not be filled with gazing up in the sky. Instead, we must heed the voice of the angels in Act 1 asking, Why do you gaze up into heaven? 

There are people all around us who are in danger of hellfire. Let us not be so preoccupied with talking about the eclipse, earthquakes, wars, and rumors of wars that we fail at telling this world actually about Jesus.

JESUS IS THE WORLD'S ONLY HOPE. We have work to do.

Personal Reading: Actis 1:4-11

Pastor James Ford, Jr. April 17, 2024

Good Morning, Family.

 I have prayed for you today. It's a new day that we have never seen. Good morning, to the new mercies of God. It was just two weeks ago, I was looking at the branches of the trees outside and wondering when the leaves were going to start filling in. Well, the Spring is now in full effect as the trees are bursting with new new life! 

I woke up to the brids singing and the view of the beautiful sunshine. I am reminded that God has blessed me with life. I have the privilege to rise and shine for His Glory today. Let us always remember that just the privilege to rise and worship God is a blessing enough. Thank you, God for allowing me to see this new and beautiful day.

Personal Reading Psalm 146

Pastor James Ford, Jr.

Good Morning, family:

I have prayed for you today. Living a life worthy of the Gospel is a daily commitment. It is a moment-by-moment denying of yourself and crucifying your flesh. We can never become comfortable. Our senses of spiritual warfare must always be on high alert. The enemy of our souls lays at the door of our heart like a crouching lioness... waiting to pounce and devour us... and carry us into a life of sin, a lifre that is against the holiness of God, a life that only makes us feel shame, guilt, loneliness, heartbreak, and despair.

We must be careful... with the music we listen to, the TV we watch, the people we associate with, and social media content we take in. Satan is looking for any small crack to enter in, which he will attempt to turn our hearts from God. Don't give him any room to enter your life. BE ON HIGH ALERT!!!!

Personal Reading: ! Kings 10:23-11:6

Pastor James Ford, Jr. April 29, 2024

Good Morning, Family. 

I have prayed for you today. As I lean into my preparations this week for Sunday's message, I am reminded of the responsibility of the believer in our spiritual growth. Yes, the Holy Spirit works in us..... However, the Apostle Paul makes it clear to the Philippians that they must work out their Salvation. That which is inside , must literally, work its way out. Our Spiritual growth is not magic, it's work. You will not know what is in the Bible if you do not read it. You will not grow closer to God if you don't pray. You will not learn the word of God unless you study. Now, that desire to grow in Christ is put in you by God because he is working in you, but it's your responsibility to be obedient.... it's your responsibility to put in the work... and He will grow you strong in your faith... 


Personal Reading: Philippians 2:12-15

Beloved Brothers and Sisters

8 Reviews

Loretta Lankford

08 April 2024

08 April


I joined Cedar Grove Baptist Church after I married Husband. Cedar Grove has always been a Church where Christ is the head. Christ’s Words are Preached and Taug...
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Rosalyn P

11 November 2023

11 November


Nice church and people. Wonderful new pastor!

"My Command is This: Love Each Other as I Have Loved You." - John 15:12

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About Cedar Grove Baptist Church

Nonprofit Organization Dedicated to Serving the Community in Zuni

Welcome to Cedar Grove Baptist Church, where everybody is somebody and Jesus is Lord! Located in the heart of Zuni, our church is more than just a place of worship; it's a vibrant community of believers dedicated to spreading the love of Christ and nurturing spiritual growth.

Our mission is clear: to invite people to attend, draw them closer to Christ, and provide a welcoming environment where individuals of all backgrounds can find belong... Read more

Where Faith and Community Flourish

We pride ourselves on being a friendly, Bible-teaching church dedicated to serving our congregation and community. With a commitment to excellence and a passion for sharing the word of God, we strive to provide quality services that meet the spiritual needs of all who walk through our doors.

Our team of experienced and trained professionals is here to support you on your spiritual journey. Whether you're seeking guidance, fellowship, or a dee... Read more

About our Pastor

James T. Ford, Jr. is a native of Como, NC. God has given him a heart of obedience, and a burning passion to preach and teach the Word of God with clarity. God has prepared him to lead Cedar Grove in this moment and time. The verse that defines his life and mission is that of Romans 1:16 .    

For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to th... Read more